The End: Closing Letter

We wanted to drop this closing letter here to kind of officially end the comic. Once again, thank you so much for reading! We may return to this comic in the future some day, but we can't make any promises. We hope you can enjoy it for what it is now. And if you have any final questions (that haven't already been answered in the Ending Q&A), go ahead and ask now and we'll do our best to answer!

72 thoughts on “The End: Closing Letter

  1. That was a wonderful ride. Thank you so much for your hard work on this. I’m going to miss this universe, and it will always be in my memory. <3

    1. I came here from Gamercat. I love Gamercat and now I absolutely love Strays!! I would so love to see this as an anime!!! ^_^

      1. Same ^-^

      2. Hey, me too!

        1. Me too! I love it.

  2. This was, is, and always will be one of my favourite comics. I’ve been following for years and it has been such a fun journey and your art is wonderful and the characters are so sweet and the story is so full of twists and turns and energy… I guarantee that I will reread this some time and recommend it to friends. You guys are awesome! Good luck with future endeavours, and THANK YOU for bringing this story to us :D

  3. Thank you for making this wonderful comic. I loved it so much. Though I wish it could go on forever I completely get wanting to move on and I’m glad it got this ending, which was so satisfying.

  4. So Long, and Thanks for All the Comics.

  5. *sniff* Over already? :(

    Shame. This was good stuff.

  6. All I have to say is, thank you. Thank you for taking us on such an incredible journey with such fantastic characters. Thank you for giving us good character development, as well as having a wonderful story with a beautiful ending.

    Thank you, Strays, thank you.

  7. I’m so sad this comic is ending, but I understand wanting to do something new. I will always remember fondly waiting for the update every Friday as the most important task that day. :) I want to say thanks for giving it a proper ending and for sticking with it for this long, this has really been an amazing ride. Just to think if I hadn’t started this those, wow, has it really been 6 years?! I would have never discovered all the other webcomics and artists I love and follow today. Thanks, Samantha and Stacey for everything and I wish you luck in your future endeavors, I knew I will continue to follow you in anticipation.

  8. thank you so much for this wonderful comic
    it’s been great getting to know and love these characters and the story is really amazing, and thank you for the sweet ending.
    it’s amazing to see how the comichas come so far in so many volumes and chapters already O:

    good job to yall!!!!!

  9. It was a wonderful comic, I loved it, thank you!! It has inspired me a lot. :)

    And I wish you luck on your future endeavours!!

  10. I’ve been reading Strays ever since its very baby days (and my baby days too, cause I was a suuuper wee baby when I picked it up), and it’s both amazing and sad to see it end. Thank you so much for all the work you’ve done; you’ve inspired me (and my siblings as well) to create stories just like this! Such a nice ending to a wonderful story.

  11. Samantha, Stacey, all I can say is… Gitchi Miigwech! (Big Thankyou in Ojibwa)

  12. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us! I’ve been following this comic for roughly half of its length, and I’m really glad to see it made it to the end of the story.

  13. This story was beautiful. I found it a couple days ago and read through it– I loved every moment of it.

    Thank you for sharing your ideas with the world.

    Best regards, Ser Nexias Mourningbrook

  14. Crying…..
    I have waited forever for the end. And I couldn’t ask for a better ending.
    If there is a sequel I will stick by it until my dying day.

  15. Oh no!

    Over allready? I loved it so much! May others pick up the thread?

  16. Thanks so much for all your efforts over the years, creators. I have enjoyed taking this journey with you. Best of luck to you in the future.

  17. I saw your comic on Deviantart years ago, when there were just maybe 4 pages. I loved the artwork and the story so I was always so excited to see a new one posted. I’m sad to see it end. Thank you for sharing your artistic abilities with us for all these years.

  18. I can’t express myself with words, i just hope theres a little more of them in the future at least. I leave a great thank you for the amazing work one of the best i ever seen.
    I wish the best and good lucky with everything.
    ( a tear fall down from my eye now)

  19. this comic was the first web-comic i ever read. it was what got me started on my web-comic addiction. Thank you for such a great story. I’m sad to see it end… again.

  20. Will you be doing anymore comics in the future?

  21. So happy to have been on such a wonderful ride ! Thank You !!


  23. I don’t know if I missed it somewhere, but can you tell us what Piper got up to?

  24. I have followed this comic from the very beginning and have religiously checked the updates over the years. When I started reading this comic I was in high school, now I am 24. Through it all I have been scared, happy, sad, mad, and a vast array of emotions. I related with characters and matured along with them. It is bittersweet that this comic comes to an end, but I think how it ended is beautiful. Thank you for all of your hard work!!

  25. im kinda sad that it ended…it was such a good story and i really hope that in the future you guys come back with maybe another chapter of those awesome characters!

    it was a wonder time reading this and i will for sure keep checking the website every now and then just in case there is new content!

    thank you so much for creating this comic!

  26. I just want to say that this is the coolest story .Mne very sad that this is the case ends. I want very much to continue, and it will be very glad! In my heart forever settle the company of friends! Please write a sequel! Many thanks to the authors of this shedvra! With love from Russia !

  27. Thank you for a very good comic. Story and artwork were brilliant but best of all is the mood. Sad to see it go but all stories must have an end and the best, like this one, leave an opening for a continuation somewhere in the future.
    Thank you for the happiness.

  28. Um, just started this two hours ago. And I’m already done reading it, and I think my name explains my feelings


      1. sadly, the society of the corner has disbanded.

        1. So sad! It is so good! But hey, all things must come to an end, right?

  29. Again, thank you for the good times, the bad times, and the feels all along the way. I came in somewhere in the middle of the story and I have enjoyed the ride ever since. Keep us posted on your next endeavors, I’d love to tag along!

  30. i just got out of the hospital after way too long, and suddenly realized that the epilogue had happened! I am overjoyed at what you guys have done with this, and am so glad that I found it. :’D

    The only thing I am wondering now is “what happened to Piper?”

  31. Though there is a part of me that doesn’t want this to end there is another part that realizes that continuing it would only lead to a downfall to the series due to a spectacle creep. So I do hope you two come back to this I still feel satisfied with this ending.

  32. I loved the series and hope you will continue with it someday, even though this is a good end and there’s not much more to write about (also without it becoming too repetetive) but i still miss it :'( please come back to it someday

  33. I’ve really enjoyed this comic through the years. I’ll be sure to check out your new endeavors, but rest assured Feral and Meela will hold a special place in my heart.

    I also recommend this comic to, like, everyone, so if you ever choose to return, know you’ll have many happy fans. But good luck on your future endeavors!

  34. Haven’t read this comic for a looong time, and feel a bit sad now that it has ended. Though it does feel good that it is finished. Good memories. :,>

  35. *heart breaks* it ended on my birthday

  36. I admit, I read through this comic pretty quickly. I was instantly interested since I first saw a couple random pages on dA. Looked it up, and saw this. Really beautiful work, and I can’t believe so much hard work and dedication went into it. It shows. Not only are the images just beautiful, but they become even more beautiful as you connect to the characters ^^

    Really overall, great job. I love it so much, and will be definitely checking back and looking at whatever you start working on. I see a reread in the future… and maybe a copy of this on my shelf…

  37. Excellent work and a great read. You worry too much on the holes in the story, glitches happen everywhere :) By the way, I think you should remove that “updates every friday” from the banner now! ;)

  38. I used to follow this comic when I was young, I just came back to see if it updated from the “Time” page with them sitting under a tree and such. It was like my religion, every Friday I would be so hyped for the next page, I think it was Friday??? Thanks for making my childhood a little bit better. Will probably reread this someday with kiddos or something. Love ya’ll so much with a bittersweet sadness in my heart that it has ended…(?)

  39. I love this comic y does it have to end???

  40. A year later and I’m still sad as fuck D:

  41. It’s been a year and I still hope Strays will come back someday

    1. Same here.

  42. I’ll miss Meela, Feral, Holland, and Piper, maybe even Jyaku. This comic has been a great ride, i hope to see them again soon!

  43. This was such an engaging read I blew through it in a couple of hours. I was totally crushed when I realized it was about to end but man, I had so much fun reading it! I wish there was more SO much! There was clearly a lot of hard work put into this and it was a wonderful job done! :D I wish you luck on any other comics y’all may make, and thank you for this wonderful story!

    1. I’m also sending this to my friends as we speak so they can also be crushed about the end like I am

  44. im gonna miss this one alot, but its a great story and i real enjoyed it.

  45. Aw, man! I just found this!

    I even thought about an osprey Lyrian OC, too..

  46. It was a amazing series
    I am just sad that it ended :(
    Other wise I loved the series :3

  47. On come on!! I just started reading this a mouth after you were done with it!

  48. Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Why’s it oveeeeeeeeeeerrrr

  49. I think my heart just broke

  50. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:(

  51. Could they at least give us a volume 4 continuing the epiluge

  52. Came back to re-read the comic. Just wanted to send another thanks for making it because it’s fantastic.

  53. Started reading this a long time ago, but stopped at some point for reasons I can’t remember. Came back to catch up and, it seems, finish. There’s so much untold story still, kinda sad the story wasn’t much longer.

  54. I read through this and I enjoyed it. It was a good comic despite the missing story. If it ever did start up again(Even ifthat chance is incredibly slim now). I’d definitely read.

  55. Please make more I just finished it in 3 days it’s a great idea and I think you should keep going and making more comics. but please don’t end it here I will be very sad, the theam of the story is great and the they should have more of a back round so every one knows who the are but besides that I really liked the concept

  56. I started reading this back in 2013 and stopped reading for some reason. Maybe since it was still in the process of being made. I forgot about it until a few days ago and just finished reading… Very pleased with how everything turned out. Thanks for everything!

  57. Found this years after it was finished, this comic was so good I almost beat my dad when he told me to do something while I was reading it. I’m sad that it’s over, but you guys did say there will be a chance of you coming back to it! I also love lupians for there are definitely one of my favorite fantasy characters! Feral was my definite favorite even from the start!

  58. :( I came back to this years after it ended. Very sad. These two have a special place in my mind and I hope that one day we might see more of them

  59. I will never stop hoping that we come back to this universe.

  60. Not a question, just a comment. Well, multiple comments. First being that I purchased all three books and the necklace and I they just came in today! The necklace looks soooooooo beautiful! I am so excited to read the physical comics! Another thing is that I just noticed what state they came from and it makes me think that I may have met one of the creators of the comics two years ago. Or at least someone related to them. I was at an anime convention in November of 2019 and I saw a stand there that had the Strays comics and stuff and that’s all I really remember from it (bad memory over here). I’m planning on going to the same convention this year (if they are open this year). I am taking my comics with me, and if I meet the creators of Strays then I am going to ask for their autographs and hope that they say yes!

    1. Totally possible! We live in Virginia and attended NEKOCON for several years. STRAYS is within the SugarBunnyShop booth along with GaMERCaT.

      As for us returning to NEKOCON, we will not do it this year since it is unlikely to run/still don’t feel comfortable, but possibly next year depending on how cons go; if they reopen that is.

      Thank you for reading!! ❤❤

  61. Very late to the party, but I stumbled across this from GamerCat and I absolutely loved it! Cheers, and I hope you’re doing good

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