Site a Little Wonky

Sorry for the down time we had last week. We ran into usage issues with our host and it took longer than it should have to get them resolved. Everything should be working fine now, but the real test will be today when you all come visit the site to see the new page ;) Hopefully it will hold up without issue.

We have also decided to increase the displayed page size of the comic, and thus had to modify the layout of the site. Because of our new caching systems it’s hard to see the changes I’m making, so things might be a little wonky while I work on that. Please bear with us for a little while.

Have you done FanArt? Let us know!

I have been collecting all of the FanArt I can find on deviantArt (if some have noticed their works being fav’ed by me recently).
We’re gearing up to add a section of FanArt by our awesomeamazinggreat viewers! I was surprised to find so much, but I’m sure there’s still some I have missed!
So, if you have done FanArt of Strays, post a link here! I will go through every link to collect what I do not have!
You guys are awesome, thanks!

Site Screwed Up AGAIN

SIGH. We just got the site fixed, and now a theme update has totally screwed up my custom CSS. I (stupidly) didn’t have a backup of it, so now I have to recode it all. Please excuse any bugs you see in the site while I work on getting it all reset.

Edit: Okay, I think I’ve fixed everything now. If you see anything that doesn’t seem right, please let me know so I can check it out!

Site Fixed, FAQ Added

Just an update to the previous “Site is Buggy” post – the migration went fine and everything should be working now. Some people are still reporting issues though, so if you are having trouble with any parts of the website please clear your cache and reload everything. It should all be functional now.

We have also added an FAQ section with questions we get asked a lot. We’ll probably add more to it as we go, but it covers the most commonly asked questions for now.

Oh yes, and Jyaku has been added to the Characters section!