Page 06


21 thoughts on “Page 06

  1. This page just inspired me to create a story. I am a fiction writer, specializing in the supernatural, especially werewolves, witches, etc. And this page just spoke to me in volumes. I would love to show you some of it, if you wouldn’t mind reading it.

    1. if you went on to make it, id love to read it :O

    2. me too

    3. me three!

      1. Me[ela] 4!

        1. im so infuseastic that im skipping 6 me 7

    4. I would also read it!!

      Hi! I’m new!!! :D

    5. MEMEMEMEMEMEME…! :D I write too (have had a go at drawing my stories into comics but I’m pants at it) and I really enjoy fantasy and supernatural, especially when someone starts from one of my favourite sites…

      Yeah, I’d love to read your work :3

      (Ooh, first post on this site. Long-time lurker no more! Woo!)

    6. I’m a comic artist/author…. still have to post my new strip…… after never posting on my website for three years…… .-.

  2. Blood… creapy…

  3. this page makes me feel sooo sad! X(

  4. Wait what is it, the blood making its way to the hands, or the hands going into the blood?

    1. Baby crawling into the blood

  5. Reminds me of Daxter :D

  6. Eeeeeewwwwwwww XD Lol, this comic is so random sometimes

  7. Creepy page… WHat’s NEXT?!!?!! Must…keep…going…

  8. Oh gosh…this should never happen.

  9. please be ketchup

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