Have you done FanArt? Let us know!

I have been collecting all of the FanArt I can find on deviantArt (if some have noticed their works being fav’ed by me recently).
We’re gearing up to add a section of FanArt by our awesomeamazinggreat viewers! I was surprised to find so much, but I’m sure there’s still some I have missed!
So, if you have done FanArt of Strays, post a link here! I will go through every link to collect what I do not have!
You guys are awesome, thanks!

29 thoughts on “Have you done FanArt? Let us know!

  1. http://avatarone3.deviantart.com/art/Strays-Older-Meela-333068964?ga_submit=10%3A1350598410

    Have really improved since then, this is before art school kicked in, I believe… I’ll have to do a more epic one soon! :D

  2. Ahhh I saw that Algy fav’d my very old Meela art. Back when her design was still undecided and when my woof anatomy failed so hard. ;~; Now I have to make it better. Thanks for inspiring me to do something I’ve been meaning to do since you finalized her design. :>

    1. Old or new, it’s going up! >:D

  3. YAY. I plan on doing more 8D
    Can’t wait to see it!

  4. haha ahhh oh god this one is old. http://fav.me/d19zgar

    So terrible…I should draw something new. o_o;;

    1. Meela is a bit drunk, but it’s actually fairly good.

  5. Done almost a year ago but I never saw it on this site. ^^ http://fav.me/d4ks185

  6. You saw this already, I think, but just in case: http://flurrin.deviantart.com/art/Dangerous-Games-spoiler-302148053

    I can’t wait to see the new section, it’s so hard to find all the fanart that exists on dA!

  7. Could we post fanart if it’s on a different website than deviantart?

    1. As long as it is somewhere to view and I can save it!

  8. I did a fanart of Strays a long time ago, but it’s still up on deviantart! Here’s the link to it :)


    I really love your guys’ comic, it’s so great to read and truly inspiring! <3 Makes me want to keep pursuing doing comics too! Thank you for your hard work!!

  9. http://xcorvusx.deviantart.com/#/d5q8eu9

    Used your line art for the base, but wanted to color something. Hope you don’t mind too horribly

  10. saw your comic, instantly loved it, thought id draw my favorite scene so far

  11. saw your comic, instantly loved it, thought id draw my favorite scene so far
    heres the link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.205303692943559.49969.100003917889961&type=3

  12. http://wolvenarchangel.deviantart.com/art/Strays-Feral-357327819
    Sorry I couldn’t follow Feral’s design, I kinda did it in my style.

  13. would instagram be ok? I don’t have a deviant art and would like to display my fan art.

  14. Alright well I’ll go on ahead and post mine :) http://instagram.com/p/loLKeErqJn/

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