Support the Artists
Are you a fan? Would you like to help support us? Strays is a completely free-to-read webcomic and we aim to keep it that way, but we unfortunately have costs involved in maintaining it. We also do this in our free time, so any financial support for our time and effort is always appreciated! If you would like to help us out, even just a dollar or two, we would be extremely grateful!
Subscribe with Patreon
The best option to support us is by subscribing to our project on Patreon! For only a few dollars a month you can gain access to advance announcements, an exclusive activity stream of art not posted anywhere else, and even see pages a week in advance!

Don’t want to subscribe to anything? Would you rather make a one-time donation? That’s perfectly fine! We accept donations through PayPal and appreciate every one we get. All donations will be put towards costs associated with Strays, such as website hosting fees or keeping the books in print.