Page 139

9 thoughts on “Page 139

  1. So self-satisfied is the stranger…

  2. luvs meela’s big bug eyes in the first panel… <3

  3. SPOILER!!!!!
    lov both hollands faces he always has the best expressions. chibi holland reminds me of feral with the sort of unhappy ‘what?’ expression

  4. I remember thinking Holland was so evil at this point XD Though, he is very mysterious right now, ‘specially with that deer-guy. Really hope he’s not going to betray them…

  5. I love Holland’s mysterious face *^*
    And the first panel is very funny ^,^

  6. HOLLAND!!!! You seem like such a bastard to new readers 87

  7. He reminds me of The Undertaker in the 3rd panel

  8. Holland plz

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